Window protective net

Pet safety is most important! We are proud to announce that now you can order protective nets for windows thanks to cooperation with Anna!

Project "Palidzi Pet"

Our organization established in 2016 and currently, as a part of the Kitty Street project, more than a hundred houses for street cats have been made and installed throughout the territory of Latvia. We actively help to feed homeless animals, deal with sterilization and provide medical care for animals. Our organization survives on donations and volunteer support. Do not turn around! Help us too!
Šri Ganeša, Biedrība Registration number, date: 40008255244, 25.08.2016 Legal address: Bruņinieku iela 65, Rīga, LV-1011 Bank: LV93HABA0551042428762 Purpose of activity: Protection of animals and the environment
Bruņinieku iela 65, Rīga, LV-1011
Working hours
Business days: 10.00-19.00 Saturday: 13.00-16.00 Sunday closed